Saturday, December 23, 2006

santa's school . . .the school of yule

Yes, even Santa Claus must take tests. Imagine sitting on his lap, with dear Mrs. Claus by his side and busy-bodied elves wandering around pretending to paint tinkertoys or molding G.I. Joes, and you ask Santa "Which reindeer is your favorite?" He doesn't answer. Because he can't. He can't remember any of their names.

Tragedy for a kid! Seriously, what Santa doesn't know his reindeer. Probably one who hasn't been to Santa MICHIGAN of all places.

I must say I am amused by this article and never realized a place like this existed, (although it makes perfectly good sense!)

I suppose the only requirements for dear old Santa would be a vivid imagination--to make up sparkling imaginiative lies, a quick wit--to respond to those trickster children who are just on the brink of believing and not believing, and a keen sense of understanding--to know when a child needs an extra angel to pray for him or her at night.