Thursday, March 15, 2007

no roll sugar cookies...

Thank goodness the women of the Gainesville Homemaker's Extension Club in 1980 decided to put together a cookbook of Favorite Hometown Recipes. And thank goodness, on page 21, my mother's No Roll Sugar Cookie recipe appears. And one more thank goodness goes out to Mrs. Pettit, my Home Ec teacher, who loved this recipe and gave me the opportunity to bake these cookies every semester I took one of her courses, even the sewing classes (which is possibly why I am so bad at sewing.) She always bragged that this was "Casey's mom's" recipe. I liked the bragging...everyone else liked the cookies.

Here it is as it appears in Favorite Hometown Recipes.

No Roll Sugar Cookies
Carolyn Daugherty

2 eggs
2/3 c. Wesson Oil
2 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. grated lemon
3/4 c. sugar
2 c. sifted flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Beat eggs until well blended, stir in the oil, vanilla, and lemon rind. Blend in sugar until mixture thickens; sift flour, baking powder and salt, stir into the oil mixture. Drop by teaspoons about 3 in. apart onto the ungreased sugar cookie sheet. Gently press each cookie flat with bottom of a glass that has been dipped into oil and then sugar, continue dipping into sugar for extra crunchiness, pat several times, bake 8-10 minutes. Remove immediately from cookie sheet. Makes 3 doz. 3 inch cookies.

yikes...i just realized...

It's the Ides of March.

But I'm on top of things. I changed my clocks today.

All this getting organized deserves a Toga Run through Circus Maximus, around the Fontana di Trevi, and down the Spanish Steps.

Ohhh...Italy in the spring does sound nice (with or without a Toga). ;)