Erin dated Bobby through our four years of college together. Spring semester of our junior year and thick into field observations and lesson planning, Valentine's Day peeked around the corner. Being youthful (and typical) college girls, we began to speculate days in advance what Erin would get for Valentine's Day.
We set our hopes and expectations high. Forget CD's, or movies, or even the glass bowl and goldfish I once received...we were checking out diamonds and sneaking in conversations about proposal options. In our minds, it was perfect timing. After nearly three years, and college graduation just around the corner, wouldn't a proposal be in order? Of course it would: Yes, Erin...I agree! I'm sure you'll get a ring for Valentine's Day.
Chatting through the entire day and practicing shocked surprise looks in the bathroom mirror, we waited for Bobby to arrive to take Erin on the generic Valentine's date: dinner and a movie.
In her classic Jon Bon Jovi girlfriend look, Erin dolled up and headed out with anticipation of what the night might bring.
At 1:30 a.m., their car returned. Sans Bobby, Erin storms through the front door throwing down her Valentine's gift and exclaiming..."Red hots and Diet Coke?! I got red hots and Diet Coke for Valentine's Day? What am I going to do with that boy?!"
I busted. (And helped myself to both items.) And then tried to console lost dreams and shattered expectations.
But what's a poor college student to do on Valentine's Day but buy his heart's desire her favorite munchie candy and afternoon cola? A thoughtful gift indeed.
I must add the big surprise came two months later during a time when none of us expected it...and it was everything a college girl dreamed it would be...and today...their marriage, going on 13 years, is still everything a college girl dreams it will be.
That's my favorite Valentine's love story because I love both of them and their girls. :)
Hugs and kisses to all on Valentine's Day!