Monday, December 22, 2008

"Missouri is in a Deep Freeze"

This was the news headline on the radio this morning before the weather, and I got a mental picture of the show-me state buried beneath the venison and round steaks in Kory's freezer. I don't know why.

But yes, we are in a deep freeze. It was 4 degrees when I took the trash out this morning. BRRRRRR.

Janet came to Missouri over the weekend for Christmas. We met at Snappy Mart for coffee while she and her dad, mom and aunt were in route to Licking for Christmas dinner. It was 48 degrees that day and cloudy and windy. She was freezing in her Texas thin leather coat. I wasn't even wearing a coat.

We are listening to Celine Dion's Christmas. She's singing The Christmas Song right now..."folks dressed up like eskimos...." Appropriate.

I got a new quilt and some homemade granola from Mary. I never went to bed last night, but slept all night bundled cozy in my new quilt on my new couch under the twinkling Christmas lights. When I was a child, we always had to turn the Christmas lights off when we were 1. gone from the house, and 2. when we went to bed. But Christmas night, we got to keep them on all night long. So exciting to get up and see the bubble lights still bubbling and presents under the tree.

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